Terms Of Use

In the forthcoming disclaimer, the entity ‘PatternSurfer’ refers to any and all of the member websites of the PatternSurfer family (including but not limited to www.patternsurfer.com, in.patternsurfer.com.) By registering as a user of any of these websites, or by consuming any content delivered by the websites, you (the user) agree to the following terms of use.

PatternSurfer is an automated financial market analysis service. The scope of the services provided by PatternSurfer and all member websites are limited to the automated identification of stock market chart patterns and technical analysis only.  The PatternSurfer service and its content should not be construed as a solicitation to invest and/or trade. You should seek independent advice in this regard.

PatternSurfer is not an investment advisory service, is not an investment advisor, and does not provide personalised financial advice or act as a financial advisor to its users.  You are required to draw your own conclusions from the data presented by PatternSurfer. The sole purpose of this website (including, but not limited to, the contents of this website and any oral or written presentation made in any way referring to or relating to this website) is to provide information derived from the automated scanning of financial charts for the identification of chart patterns by the PatternSurfer software.

By becoming a registered member of PatternSurfer, or consuming any content delivered by PatternSurfer via blogs, social media, or the tool directly, you enter into agreement that under no circumstances will PatternSurfer be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or any other damages, monetary or otherwise,  resulting from your use, or consumption of any content on the site. All information on this website is strictly informational and is not to be construed as advocating, promoting or advertising registered or unregistered investments of any kind whatsoever.

PatternSurfer, its members, employees or agents do not warrant the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information supplied, and they shall not be liable for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, which may arise from the use or reliance of the PatternSurfer service and its content. The information provided on this website is provided “as-is” and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. PatternSurfer makes no claim to the accuracy of any outputs or results discussed within the service or tool, as stock markets are inherently volatile and trading and investment decisions must be made with discipline and understanding of this fact.

By your use of our service, you agree that you bear whole responsibility for your own investment research and decisions. The field of chart pattern analysis is vast, and PatternSurfer urges you to thoroughly conduct research on chart patterns and understand there are potential risks relating to investing and trading. You must be aware and familiarize yourself in regard to such risks and seek independent advice relating thereto. You must assess the risk of any trade with a qualified financial advisor and make your own independent decisions regarding any securities mentioned herein. Any decisions made based on the patterns or information delivered by PatternSurfer must be made at your discretion, and PatternSurfer assumes no liability for the outcome of any decisions.


PatternSurfer - India